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Monday, January 16, 2012

Hey I'm not posting music, what a surprise! If you haven't heard there is a bill in congress called S.O.P.A. short for bullshi..... I mean Stop Online Piracy Act. This bill would devastate any computer user that goes on the internet. From the regular Facebook user to the Youtube uploader. This bill would blow a hole through your way of internet life. For starters this bill has no mercy whatsoever, if there is a website with copyrighted material the whole fucking website goes down. Prime example is Youtube, and I'm dead serious. Many websites have already taken a stand against Sopa, such as Wikipedia or Minecraft. If you think bill is total B.S. like I do go to this LINK and sign the petition! Have a nice week everyone.

P.S. Here is another S.O.P.A. hating website (not too hard to find those) LINK.


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