:::: MENU ::::

Sunday, November 25, 2012


all of today and yesterday I have been setting up the new menu system. I was having some problems with the loading screen earlier but that should be fixed because I just crashed Unity. That makes no sense at all, but it does, trust me. The progress is going pretty good on it too. We had to break our no language rule, but we can bring it back with some fancy graphics if we need to. The credits will still be in letters because, well, it's a bunch of names. Actually it's only mine and Patrick's name, we also thank the Blender Foundation, the Gimp Development Team, and Unity Technologies ApS. I'm just rambling right now, just wanted to update you all and let you know we are still trucking along.

Until next time

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Yesterday I was going to work on the game, but I wasn't because I was playing Halo 4 and going on the internet and stuff. I knew I had to work on it because we need to get it done. So I forced myself to work on it. Then I realized something, we have already jumped all the big hurdles. This is GREAT! This means we are getting very close to finishing the game. We still have a lot of clean up to do now but we don't need to reinvent the wheel any more. All the big stuff has been finished. We do however need to put in a scoring system, a game over screen, setting up the maps, etc. For the most part we are done. We will probably run into some other big stuff we need to do, such as a game over screen, but we have most of the textures down and we can simply reuse code for that. Right now I am doing the skyboxes, I will include a picture here on how it comes out.

Until next time

Cool render!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

This week I started getting down to business again, although it will make my grades struggle or induce a lack of sleep. Anyway, I have started working on the spawn managing system. I almost have it done, but it is having trouble figuring out which spawn point to use. The enemies are just spawned out of the same spawn point, it's probably an easy fix though.

After I get that done, I have to spruce a lot of stuff up. Like textures and what not. I am also going to put in a cinematic camera mode so we can make a trailer for the game. I am going to leave it in for the final build so people that get the game can make cool trailers/trick videos, or possibly even report a glitch from a different angle if needed.

Anyway, that is all I wanted to share.

Until next time
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