:::: MENU ::::

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Okay, so I was browsing YouTube just a few minutes ago and looked at my videos for some reason. After that I looked at an old video I posted for the game just for shits and giggles. While I watched the video I noticed something. I noticed why I don't like the game anymore. I don't like it because it's too face paced. Everything is really fast and you can't get close to your enemies, they are simply distant objects that you shoot. I think the reason I liked it before was the fact that you could get up close with the enemies. There was an actual danger of hitting the enemies before that there isn't now. Now you fly a good distance away from the enemies. For this reason I want to bring back the slow motion ability. It would take to long to implement and people would get mad though. So I won't.

The video I'm talking about is here:

Until next time

Oh yeah, who's the Russian dude that's always searching for this blog?

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Hello again everybody,

You know that feeling when you are close to finishing something but there are only small things to do left? That's pretty much me right now. Except I have a lot of really small things to do. Some of which I don't want to do at all. Basically because it takes a while to do these said things.

Off the top of my head I need to:
  • Make the rest of the sky boxes
  • Make the settings in the main menu have sensitivity options.
  • Remove the sound button from the pause menu
  • Possibly add sensitivity to the pause menu
  • Make enemies look like they're shooting 

Now that I think about it, that's not much stuff to do at all. I'm going to get cracking on it and see where it takes me. Then I'll remember 10 other things I need to do.

Until next time 

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