Hello fine people of the universe.
We launched our game to the silent applause of about 6 chirping crickets, but hey, I don't give up easily. In moving forward we are taking all of the mistakes we made in every aspect of the game and not doing the same thing. That's on both the marketing and technical side of things. I'm (Grant) going to be programming things so it becomes very very easy to start throwing new levels together. I am also starting with marketing now with tweeting people and getting screenshots out there. So, without further ado, the details on the game.
Our next game is going to be a puzzle game. In this puzzle game there are lights scattered about that are different colors. When you go into the range of a certain colored light it will give you the effect associated with that color. Lights can mix too. If you mix red and green you make yellow. If you go into the yellow light you only get the effect of the yellow light and lose the effect of the parent lights. So yeah, it's all good and fun. Making the puzzles for this game is going to be really fun and really challenging.
Until next time,
Grant Oberhauser
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