Collision in UDK is the most pain staking process ever. First off one has to make their model which you always have to do, I'm not crying about that part because I actually like that part quite frankly. The part that is just so stupid is I have 2 options for collision. Auto convex collision or make your own mesh, separate meshes each with a UCX_ suffix (I think thats what it is) that acts as the collision walls. One might say at this time "Why don't you just copy your mesh and name it UCX_something". The reason I don't do this is because UDK acts as if it is a cube... I also have to send the file to my partner so he can convert it to ase file format. The other option, auto convex collision acts as if it is just a big box and I die if I spawn in the building... I guess I am going to have to suck it up and give the customers (we have none yet D: , most likely because no body knows we exist :D) what they want. We will give them quality, not some rushed piece of crap... Another thing on our mind is graphics quality. Should we shoot for the stars of keep it to a minimum like HL2. These times they are a changing I tell you. I don't want to be left in the dust where its impossible to start a game company that can get big. 20 -25 years is our goal to get big and we hope we achieve that.
- Grant Oberhauser, Co Founder and Lead Developer
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