First off Patrick and I have started a stage of merging together our projects, this means getting everything on my computer so I can program in the menu systems, test the AI, making the animations work, those sorts of things. So far I have added a menu system from which you can pick a map and play it. We have 3 maps currently up and running, only one the maps actually has AI in it. The other 2 will get AI when the AI spawning system is exactly the way we want it. This menu system also has an options section but that doesn't do anything yet.
Next we updated the AI, this means if something is in between you and the AI it will find a way around the thing in its way to get to you. The AI can also drain your HP, it can't kill you yet due to some strange glitch I haven't looked into yet.
Another thing we updated was the controls. We actually have buttons that do stuff such as firing missiles, I have also made a system for sliders, that is being used to control the speed. The guns also fire and are able to take the life of the enemy by draining HP.
The guns in the game have improved quite a lot, just today I made 'bullets' that actually fly through space to wherever it is you are pointing the gun. It might need a little work, right now it looks as if you are Zeus shooting lightning bolts at everybody due to the length of the tracer bullets that we use. We might also have to add a mussel flash of some sort.
The rockets on the other hand haven't been update at all. Our plans for them is to make it so they will lock onto whatever you are shooting at. We were also thinking of a tagging system for taking out multiple enemies at the same time. We might save this for an update though because it is hard to implement this without making it very hard to tag an enemy.
Controls for the spaceship are how you would expect them, roll the device to roll the ship and pitch the device to pitch the ship. What we have added is a speed control that is a slider on the left side of the screen and a boost button. When the speed is changed to a higher speed the camera starts to shake violently and get farther away from the ship. This creates an illusion of speed and immerses the player into the game more.
I believe this is all I have for now.
If there are any typos in this or something doesn't make sense this is because it is 1:18 in the morning and I am tired as crap and couldn't care to look over the page at all.
Also I now have my main Google account on this blog so the posters name will be mine now.
Until next time
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