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Monday, June 20, 2011

I said I would post today and I am. The tool that I told you I came across is VERY picky = and doesn't have the best error descriptions I guess one would call them. I will make a little cube right now to tell you examples of errors... This one actually worked to my surprise. Let me try with 2 cubes... I am going to see if I need a separate texture picture for each and every cube... here is a very very annoying error that you cant do anything about, Blender say that it cant use the material if the cube is in edit mode, which is understandable. The thing is I wasn't in edit mode beforehand. Let me try to find a fix. (a few minutes later) I found a fix. The materials must be joined (CTRL + J). That was stupid... the thing is though is the guy on the site said "Keep in mind, increasing the number of materials a mesh uses will exponentially increase the amount of draw calls required by the engine – keep the number of materials per mesh to two or less." Is that per separate piece? It must be, I don't think UDK cares if they are joined or not... Confusing. Back to my building I guess. Oh yea that brings up another point. We are changing the way buildings are made simply because the way we were following was from an artistic standpoint, not one in which you will get very high performance in a video game or nice visuals in a video game. The reason I say that is the way materials and textures and what not are not handled the same way they are in Blender as they are in UDK. I have to go and try on some swim shorts now so I guess that concludes this little installment. I'll see you next time.

                                         - Grant Oberhauser, Co Founder and Lead Developer

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The collision has finally been overcome. all thanks to this tool --> :D It's pretty late right now. 12:38 to be exact. I will post later about how I over came this monster of a problem. Full speed ahead on development.  This also means Patrick can upgrade blender :D.

                                         - Grant Oberhauser, Co Founder and Lead Developer

Friday, June 17, 2011

Collision in UDK is the most pain staking process ever. First off one has to make their model which you always have to do, I'm not crying about that part because I actually like that part quite frankly. The part that is just so stupid is I have 2 options for collision. Auto convex collision or make your own mesh, separate meshes each with  a UCX_ suffix (I think thats what it is) that acts as the collision walls. One might say at this time "Why don't you just copy your mesh and name it UCX_something". The reason I don't do this is because UDK acts as if it is a cube... I also have to send the file to my partner so he can convert it to ase file format. The other option, auto convex collision acts as if it is just a big box and I die if I spawn in the building... I guess I am going to have to suck it up and give the customers (we have none yet D: , most likely because no body knows we exist :D) what they want. We will give them quality, not some rushed piece of crap... Another thing on our mind is graphics quality. Should we shoot for the stars of keep it to a minimum like HL2. These times they are a changing I tell you. I don't want to be left in the dust where its impossible to start a game company that can get big. 20 -25 years is our goal to get big and we hope we achieve that.

                                         - Grant Oberhauser, Co Founder and Lead Developer

Saturday, June 11, 2011

It's been a while since my last post and a few things have changed...
We are not using unity any more... Instead we are using UDK which is free now :D...
The concept is changing rapidly, I need to whip it back into place. We needed to downgrade to Blender 2.49 until Blender 2.6 comes out which should be as stable as a rock. Now I have to go and find out the password for my YouTube account... Wish me luck :D

                                                                       - Grant Oberhauser, Co Founder and Lead Developer
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