Since my last post I have made a pointing system that points to the enemy ships on the map. This system has a few glitches as of right now. It used to work great but I needed to swap out the ship we are using for the enemy ships and everything got screwed up. I am working on getting it back into a working state right now.
Other than that I haven't really done much because I have a job that takes up way too much time. Honestly, if I didn't have that stupid job I would be almost done with the game. The game would be in the polishing up stage. We would probably have it distributed for beta testing and everything would be going very smoothly. Instead a whole year of hard work and determination is hanging by a thread. I feel if we don't get this game out before Christmas we will miss our window. Here, let me lay this all out for you.
We don't have any money for advertising or getting the word out in any way at all. This raises the problem of the games proneness to sink to the bottom of the Android Marketplace. This however can be combated by releasing the game before Christmas, this makes sure the marketplace advertises the game for us by putting it on the 'new' list. Thereby making hype around the game and fueling a word of mouth advertising platform. If the game is released after this window we miss the biggest opportunity we will have for over a year. In this time a game such as ours could be created by someone that has more money and is able to get the word out better about their game. This is what I fear. This is why a near minimum wage job isn't worth it.
Now you should understand my frustration against how dense my parents are. This job also seems as if I will never be able to get out. The only way would be to release the game and make another form of cash flow and making my parents see that they should have a little more faith and stick to the plan.
Edit from future Grant: This marketing strategy would have been a terrible idea, but what did you know, you didn't do your research yet. Run along now.
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