Hello again,
So, yesterday I was diking around and watching stuff on YouTube and Netflix. Then on YouTube I heard of the movie Indie Game: The Movie. It was on Netflix so I watched it and actually gained some pretty useful knowledge.
So I finished the movie and went back to programming, then I remembered a scene in the movie where someone had a black background for their code. I wondered if I could do that with MonoDevelop and I found out that I can. So I downloaded some files, changed some XML values, changed syntax highlighting and BAM. Black background. The reason for black backgrounds usually is so you can read it at night without it hurting your eyes, it also makes you as productive as fuck. Holy shit, I fixed so much stuff within a few mere hours. I was on fire, I still am on fire. Just tonight I fixed a glitch and was gunning to fix two more when I realized I needed to get some homework done. Stupid homework, always ruining all the fun.
Now, by just mentioning homework I have to go on a rant about the downright stupidest class I have ever taken, POE. POE, or Principles of Engineering, through Project Lead the Way is the most poorly set up class in existence. Some reasons include, a shitty teacher, math that is so structured it isn't math anymore, and math built up around plug-and-play. First off, the shitty teacher isn't necessarily the teacher's fault even. The teacher has to go to a 2 week long training course for the class, 2 WEEKS. You can't teach someone how to be an engineer in 2 weeks. It's just not possible. As for the math portion, it isn't even math. They don't tell you how or why stuff works they just throw a bunch of variables at you while yelling 'learn this you piece of shit'. Then you're sitting there with a bunch of variables struggling to 2 and 2 together because of their shitty teacher + shitty concepts = success plan. As for the plug-and-play system, that's the worst way ever to teach math. They don't teach math, they teach formulas and how to use a calculator. Sure it's fine for stuff that's pretty straight forward such as trigonometry, but for thermodynamics they just throw variables and functions at you and expect you to learn. They didn't even explain heat capacity, you can't teach thermodynamics and the math behind it without even mentioning one of the most important parts of it.
Well, that's my daily rant.
Until next time