It's 11:17 on Saturday night and I am beginning development for the day after having to work for my dad, again. I'm not going to get into that whole subject again, you can find my feelings on that whole issue in other posts. I also procrastinated be watching The Walking Dead on Netflix, completely legit excuse. I also browsed reddit for a few hours. The truth is I feel completely drained and I don't want to work on this at all, I just want it to finish it's self and leave me alone. I am also feeling anger and fear and the same time, which is quite a weird experience. I am angry at the circumstances, that I can't work on this right when I get out of school to when I go to sleep. No, I have to go do work, do homework, eat. No time at all for this, for what actually matters to me. I am also afraid, I'm afraid that because of the circumstances I won't be able to finish this in a timely matter. That for some reason or another the game will be rendered unfinishable. Either that or it doesn't get noticed at all and everybody that comes across it thinks it sucks, like we tried too hard. Then the last year of my life that has this awesome life source rippling through it stripped out of it, and it dies. That is my fear.
Now you are pretty much caught up with exactly how I am feeling right now, tired, angry, and scared.
Until next time
Grant Oberhauser - Hating The World
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