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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Hello again!

So, I think I'm just going to do a bit of an update and a rehash on what we had been thinking about doing in the last update.

The first thing we changed was what happens when you are under the effect of a yellow light, or a "slow motion" light. We still want yellow to be slow motion because anything else just doesn't seem to fit. However, we ran into a problem with this. Messing with acceleration and velocity in the character controller makes for a very messy time. There's some really weird math going on all over the place, and it didn't seem worth the hassle. That being said, the yellow light is still going to be slow motion. The character will just move slowly instead of moving the some speed relative to real time. If that makes any sense at all.

Next up, we started tackling the levitation script problems. I'm actually still doing stuff for this, but it's going pretty good so far. We have actually got the cubes to stop pushing through the walls. Yay! I still want to clean that part up though. I know it should be possible to do, but the math is just a little iffy right now. When I get it down, it will be pretty smooth though. Actually, I think I just figured it out... Nope, no I didn't. Onward with the update!

The other updates that we did were also with the physics engine. Mainly, the ability to flick stuff is now in the game. Which is actually really fun to play around with. Flicking too fast can be a problem though, so we're going to find a cap on that. It may look weird if a cube was supposed to be thrown really fast, but I think people will get over it.

So yeah, I think that's pretty much it. After the physics, I'm not sure what we'll tackle. Maybe reprogramming the light manager, because the new shaders make some simplifications possible. So I'll be doing that.

Anyway, I have to get back to doing a paper.

Until next time 


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