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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hello again people of the world. I have gotten the machine gun pretty much done, it uses linecasting to find the next thing the bullet would hit. On this note I am not going to be releasing this build quite yet, unless other developers say otherwise. The reason for this is so I can make the gun look like it is shooting, and it is stuck shooting now. Also I will put a "stupid" AI for you guys to shoot at, they won't shoot back or evade objects. That's why I call them stupid. Expect the build to be out middle of next week, maybe sooner. 'All' I have to do is make a shoot button for the machine gun and bring the AI over to this project/scene.

Until next time

                                         - Grant Oberhauser, Co Founder and Lead Developer

PS: Luke says notherwise, whatever that means.


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