Hey all, I have good news and i have bad news. The bad new is the next build won't be out for a few more days, the good new is I found the problem with the AI script so it almost works. I just have to change the axis the spaceship turns on, whats up, whats down, etc. That shouldn't take too much brain power though. I might even program in an 'up axis' selection and 'forward axis' selection. The reason for this is because SOMEBODY doesn't know how to keep 'up', 'up' and 'forward', 'forward'.
So yea the build will be out middle of next week maybe, again the reason I am putting 'stupid' AI in is so you actually have something to shoot at. At the time being it won't fall if the collider gets hit by another one, it will just continue in its 'stupid circles' (aka doesn't know where to go)
until next time... you know the rest, I must sleep.
PS: I just sneezed and my arms hurt now.
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