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Monday, January 2, 2012

I just got finished with part of the AI for our game. I think I am going to call it AAAIS, which stands for Aggressive Airborne Artificial Intelligence System, pronounced "ace".

The reason I have started this post at such a late time (11:00 pm) is because I am very excited with this AI system. Although I only have the x and z coordinates done on it, and it turns only with yaw. I am going to fix up all of these quirky details. I even know how are am going to make it a very aggressive fighter... hell, if you could make a mod for this for Battlefield you would be the king of the skies. I will have to tone down how good it is once I am done though, like late reaction time, short attention span, bad 'eyesight', and things of the like.

I was just going over a scenario in my head in which I was fighting this thing and I realized it would be a bitch to kill, if killing it is even an option. Its just so fast with knowing exactly where to go that it would be unbeatable.

But now I must sleep... I will add on later if I get the time

                                         - Grant Oberhauser, Co Founder and Lead Developer



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