:::: MENU ::::

Monday, December 24, 2012


So, I have made a butt load of progress today. I have set up all the maps, they still have some glitches though. Some glitches include not having the icon over the enemy when the player is looking straight at it. Another glitch is a fucked up rocket lock script. Which is weird because I have re written that script about 3 times over. Very strange indeed. All of the other problems come mainly from shitty map designs. All of the other maps that I haven't completely re-worked are very bulky. Although they do look cool, there is no flow to them at all. So I am planing on going back though and positioning some parts of the map differently so they are more linear and lead the player to optimal positions better. Our first/main map does this quite nicely I do believe.

So yeah, I need to fix a few glitches and fucked up map designs and it's off to the races for us. Oh, yeah. I also need FUCKING SOUNDS. PATRICK DO THE FUCKING SOUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are finishing the game in 5 days. 5 FUCKING DAYS! Just do it!



Until next time...

Sunday, December 23, 2012


Today I finally made the push to do stuff that I didn't exactly want to do. Such as making a game over screen and making a points system.

I finally forced myself off of Reddit and put my resources towards game development. Once I redirected myself I started on the points system because I already had the framework down. I just had to make it put on points when an AI ship was killed.

Then I went on to do the game over screen which was a little easier to do than I though it was going to be. I had to tie in the game over screen into the GUI setup I had going on. After that I set up what would happen after you die from anything. Basically the camera detaches from the ship and floats/bounces out in space. Quite a good time.

I also cleaned some stuff up, such as the exit button at the beginning of the game which wasn't actually set up on the right game object. Now I just need to finish the whole main menu.

The game play seems to be down good enough and setting up maps should be able to get going here. That may or may not take a while, depending on how many of Patrick's mistakes I have to fix.

Until next time.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Hello all,

So I decided to make a post because we almost got into a train wreck that could have thrown this whole game off course and potentially never finished. So what happened is I came home after going to the eye doctor, booted up my laptop, and started up Unity 3D for some ass kicking time. Then I took a nap and came back to my laptop after about an hour and browsed Reddit and YouTube for a few hours. Then I went over to Unity and saw some red text and the bottom. This usually means something is wrong in a script or something, so I looked at it and it said about 7 of our most major scripts were no longer in the project. This includes the script that makes the AI move, makes you move, makes the AI avoid collision, etc. I immediately went to my Google Drive where everything is backed up. I went to where on of the scripts are stored and found that it was an old version. Damn it. Wait, what if they are in the recycle bin? So I opened the recycle bin and there they all were, along with them were some skybox materials and other random files. How they got there, I have no idea.

The game is almost back to a working state, I just have to reapply the scripts to the prefabs that need them. The values are still stored so when it knows where to get instructions from it will go back to working just fine. Just a small inconvenience, nothing much.

Quick Edit: Got it back to a working state, if something is still screwed up I will find out later. Anyway, ONWARD TO DEVELOPMENT!
Hello all! I have very good news today I just got verified for Google Gheckout! We can now publish games for actual money now! One step closer to publishing the game!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hello all,

So, a couple of things have changed since my last update. The really big news is that I don't have to work anymore, yey! This doesn't guarantee more homework getting done, just because I have 2.5 more hours to work on the game, that doesn't mean I have 2.5 more hours for homework. I just have more time to do what I please, homework or programming.

The other news I must share is our developer console being set up. Yesterday Patrick took the bull by the horns and made a developer console for NewStream Software. This means we can publish games that are free. We can't publish paid for games yet because we still new a Google merchant account. We do still have a pre-alpha 'sale' page being put up, we just need some fancy graphics and stuff. Although we are going to name it a very obscure name so it isn't found amongst the normal games.

As for development I haven't gotten much farther on it. I seem to have hit an invisible barrier. There is a glitch in the game that makes the AI invincible. Even though everything looks good. It's very strange but is probably an easy fix. I am going back and forth between that glitch and getting the cinematic cameras scripts and what not set up. After that all of the glitches are just annoying little things, of course I will fix them because I love games that are very smooth. I just don't need to fix them to make alpha/beta testing possible.

Until next time

Edit: I didn't realize Patrick already did an update. Oh well, just some stuff from the development side of things.
Hey, so last night Grant and I made a push towards publishing the game. I set up a merchant account we have published our developer name payed the $25 fee and we have a Pre-alpha ready to go. Also yesterday I had the game downloaded on my phone and it is beautiful. Earlier builds of the game that I had used were choppy but this one is smooth....very smooth. We should all give Grant a big ol' hug and give him a pat on the back this game is imminent to being released.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Hello again,

So, yesterday I was diking around and watching stuff on YouTube and Netflix. Then on YouTube I heard of the movie Indie Game: The Movie. It was on Netflix so I watched it and actually gained some pretty useful knowledge.

So I finished the movie and went back to programming, then I remembered a scene in the movie where someone had a black background for their code. I wondered if I could do that with MonoDevelop and I found out that I can. So I downloaded some files, changed some XML values, changed syntax highlighting and BAM. Black background. The reason for black backgrounds usually is so you can read it at night without it hurting your eyes, it also makes you as productive as fuck. Holy shit, I fixed so much stuff within a few mere hours. I was on fire, I still am on fire. Just tonight I fixed a glitch and was gunning to fix two more when I realized I needed to get some homework done. Stupid homework, always ruining all the fun.

Now, by just mentioning homework I have to go on a rant about the downright stupidest class I have ever taken, POE. POE, or Principles of Engineering, through Project Lead the Way is the most poorly set up class in existence. Some reasons include, a shitty teacher, math that is so structured it isn't math anymore, and math built up around plug-and-play. First off, the shitty teacher isn't necessarily the teacher's fault even. The teacher has to go to a 2 week long training course for the class, 2 WEEKS. You can't teach someone how to be an engineer in 2 weeks. It's just not possible. As for the math portion, it isn't even math. They don't tell you how or why stuff works they just throw a bunch of variables at you while yelling 'learn this you piece of shit'. Then you're sitting there with a bunch of variables struggling to 2 and 2 together because of their shitty teacher + shitty concepts = success plan. As for the plug-and-play system, that's the worst way ever to teach math. They don't teach math, they teach formulas and how to use a calculator. Sure it's fine for stuff that's pretty straight forward such as trigonometry, but for thermodynamics they just throw variables and functions at you and expect you to learn. They didn't even explain heat capacity, you can't teach thermodynamics and the math behind it without even mentioning one of the most important parts of it.

Well, that's my daily rant.

Until next time

Saturday, December 1, 2012


My last post was my bipolarity showing through, I'm not actually diagnosed as bipolar but I'm sure I am. I feel like laughing all day long at one point, then killing everybody I encounter.

Anyway, actual gameplay improvements have just occurred, I just moved the player spawn closer to the actual map. Maybe that will convey the message that you need to stay next to the BIG FUCKING FLYING THING THAT HAS SHIT TO SHOOT AT FLYING AROUND! I swear, everyone that I have given this to play flies toward earth like they can land on it, they actually ask if they can go to earth. This is an android game, do you honestly think you can go to earth? Maybe I should have made a crappier render of the earth then, something that actually looks like you can't go there, it just has extremely shitty textures and everything.

What we are planing to do now however is making a huge sphere around the arena that will stop you from flying away, you can act like you are flying away but the AI will come and anally rape the fuck out of you. Ah, trolling, never gets old. It also teaches the players that they are indeed fucking retards.

Until next time

Grant Oberhauser - :D 
Hello all,

It's 11:17 on Saturday night and I am beginning development for the day after having to work for my dad, again. I'm not going to get into that whole subject again, you can find my feelings on that whole issue in other posts. I also procrastinated be watching The Walking Dead on Netflix, completely legit excuse. I also browsed reddit for a few hours. The truth is I feel completely drained and I don't want to work on this at all, I just want it to finish it's self and leave me alone. I am also feeling anger and fear and the same time, which is quite a weird experience. I am angry at the circumstances, that I can't work on this right when I get out of school to when I go to sleep. No, I have to go do work, do homework, eat. No time at all for this, for what actually matters to me. I am also afraid, I'm afraid that because of the circumstances I won't be able to finish this in a timely matter. That for some reason or another the game will be rendered unfinishable. Either that or it doesn't get noticed at all and everybody that comes across it thinks it sucks, like we tried too hard. Then the last year of my life that has this awesome life source rippling through it stripped out of it, and it dies. That is my fear.

Now you are pretty much caught up with exactly how I am feeling right now, tired, angry, and scared.

Until next time

Grant Oberhauser - Hating The World

Sunday, November 25, 2012


all of today and yesterday I have been setting up the new menu system. I was having some problems with the loading screen earlier but that should be fixed because I just crashed Unity. That makes no sense at all, but it does, trust me. The progress is going pretty good on it too. We had to break our no language rule, but we can bring it back with some fancy graphics if we need to. The credits will still be in letters because, well, it's a bunch of names. Actually it's only mine and Patrick's name, we also thank the Blender Foundation, the Gimp Development Team, and Unity Technologies ApS. I'm just rambling right now, just wanted to update you all and let you know we are still trucking along.

Until next time

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Yesterday I was going to work on the game, but I wasn't because I was playing Halo 4 and going on the internet and stuff. I knew I had to work on it because we need to get it done. So I forced myself to work on it. Then I realized something, we have already jumped all the big hurdles. This is GREAT! This means we are getting very close to finishing the game. We still have a lot of clean up to do now but we don't need to reinvent the wheel any more. All the big stuff has been finished. We do however need to put in a scoring system, a game over screen, setting up the maps, etc. For the most part we are done. We will probably run into some other big stuff we need to do, such as a game over screen, but we have most of the textures down and we can simply reuse code for that. Right now I am doing the skyboxes, I will include a picture here on how it comes out.

Until next time

Cool render!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

This week I started getting down to business again, although it will make my grades struggle or induce a lack of sleep. Anyway, I have started working on the spawn managing system. I almost have it done, but it is having trouble figuring out which spawn point to use. The enemies are just spawned out of the same spawn point, it's probably an easy fix though.

After I get that done, I have to spruce a lot of stuff up. Like textures and what not. I am also going to put in a cinematic camera mode so we can make a trailer for the game. I am going to leave it in for the final build so people that get the game can make cool trailers/trick videos, or possibly even report a glitch from a different angle if needed.

Anyway, that is all I wanted to share.

Until next time

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hello again,

Since my last post I have made a pointing system that points to the enemy ships on the map. This system has a few glitches as of right now. It used to work great but I needed to swap out the ship we are using for the enemy ships and everything got screwed up. I am working on getting it back into a working state right now.

Other than that I haven't really done much because I have a job that takes up way too much time. Honestly, if I didn't have that stupid job I would be almost done with the game. The game would be in the polishing up stage. We would probably have it distributed for beta testing and everything would be going very smoothly. Instead a whole year of hard work and determination is hanging by a thread. I feel if we don't get this game out before Christmas we will miss our window. Here, let me lay this all out for you.

We don't have any money for advertising or getting the word out in any way at all. This raises the problem of the games proneness to sink to the bottom of the Android Marketplace. This however can be combated by releasing the game before Christmas, this makes sure the marketplace advertises the game for us by putting it on the 'new' list. Thereby making hype around the game and fueling a word of mouth advertising platform. If the game is released after this window we miss the biggest opportunity we will have for over a year. In this time a game such as ours could be created by someone that has more money and is able to get the word out better about their game. This is what I fear. This is why a near minimum wage job isn't worth it.

Now you should understand my frustration against how dense my parents are. This job also seems as if I will never be able to get out. The only way would be to release the game and make another form of cash flow and making my parents see that they should have a little more faith and stick to the plan.

Edit from future Grant: This marketing strategy would have been a terrible idea, but what did you know, you didn't do your research yet. Run along now.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Well, I haven't posted here for a while and I am sorry for that. The thing is, school started about a month ago and development has slowed to a crawl. So much of a crawl that my parents have told me that it needs to be done by the end of October or I will need to get a job. That was all fine and dandy. I still worked on it when I had time. Until today, my parents made me go to my dads shop today to work. Absolute worst job ever. This has sparked a flame in me, one they might not have wanted to spark. This act of putting me to work has told me that they doubt me, this is my fuel. I run on doubt. I run on challenges. This little bit of doubt has put me into high gear. I am now going to destroy this programming and prove them wrong. Nobody doubts me and sees me give up.

Until next time.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Hey guys, I have a few things to update you on that are pretty major. We are getting close to a "beta-able" build. Actually we could probably bring the build we have now to beta. The reason being I let it all go yesterday and programmed the fuck out of the game. The things I programmed yesterday (and the day before) were a start menu for starting up a level, a start animation, rockets take health away from enemies, rockets explode with a flare (which looks awesome). These are only the major updates, other updates consist of stuff that were minor bugs that most probably wouldn't care about. I might make a video for this build, don't quote me on this. It would be a pretty cool video but I am kind of busy with programming and such. I'm also lazy, so that's the biggest thing.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hey guys,

Quick update on the development side of things. For the last 3 days I have been try to get the skybox to work on unity3d without a cubemap. The reason I was trying to do this is because cubemaps don't work on mobile platforms for some reason. That being so I had to figure a way to make the skybox into 3 different pieces. So I tried to simply split them into 6 pieces and assign those to all of the sides. In doing this the sides were very easy to see and it simply looked as though you were in a big box. Now I had to find a new way to do this. After searching through the internet I happened upon a tutorial that kind of did what I needed. What they did was go into blender and assign the texture we used on the cube mapped skybox to a semi-sphere. They then took a ground texture and assigned it to a plane to make an environment that they would like in their game. After that they used a very interesting feature in blender that will assign the environment to the sides of a cube. You can then use this texture, split it up in GIMP and put it into your game. Very long process but it pays off in the end.

I might make a tutorial for this later. Kind of hard to see what I did through that paragraph above. I will even include pictures :D

Until next time. 

We also changed our name to New Stream Software. Thought you might like to know.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Last night Grant checked up on Luke to see his progress on the sounds. To say it nicely he did not make the cut. So now the person you know as StelarLuke or The Music Man is gone from the team. Now it's just two shotgun wielding space cowboys left on this team. This means we have to make all the sounds now, also Grant is finishing up the programming. An ETA for this game to be out on the Android would be a month, school starts in two weeks though so that will delay the progress a little bit. I guess we will all just have to wait and see!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Wow, do we have a lot of updates for you guys today. Where to start, let me check when you guys were last updated... (a few minutes later). I basically have to update you guys starting from the merging stage. I guess I should probably get started.

First off Patrick and I have started a stage of merging together our projects, this means getting everything on my computer so I can program in the menu systems, test the AI, making the animations work, those sorts of things. So far I have added a menu system from which you can pick a map and play it. We have 3 maps currently up and running, only one the maps actually has AI in it. The other 2 will get AI when the AI spawning system is exactly the way we want it. This menu system also has an options section but that doesn't do anything yet.

Next we updated the AI, this means if something is in between you and the AI it will find a way around the thing in its way to get to you. The AI can also drain your HP, it can't kill you yet due to some strange glitch I haven't looked into yet.

Another thing we updated was the controls. We actually have buttons that do stuff such as firing missiles, I have also made a system for sliders, that is being used to control the speed. The guns also fire and are able to take the life of the enemy by draining HP.

The guns in the game have improved quite a lot, just today I made 'bullets' that actually fly through space to wherever it is you are pointing the gun. It might need a little work, right now it looks as if you are Zeus shooting lightning bolts at everybody due to the length of the tracer bullets that we use. We might also have to add a mussel flash of some sort.

The rockets on the other hand haven't been update at all. Our plans for them is to make it so they will lock onto whatever you are shooting at. We were also thinking of a tagging system for taking out multiple enemies at the same time. We might save this for an update though because it is hard to implement this without making it very hard to tag an enemy.

Controls for the spaceship are how you would expect them, roll the device to roll the ship and pitch the device to pitch the ship. What we have added is a speed control that is a slider on the left side of the screen and a boost button. When the speed is changed to a higher speed the camera starts to shake violently and get farther away from the ship. This creates an illusion of speed and immerses the player into the game more.

I believe this is all I have for now.
If there are any typos in this or something doesn't make sense this is because it is 1:18 in the morning and I am tired as crap and couldn't care to look over the page at all.

Also I now have my main Google account on this blog so the posters name will be mine now.

Until next time 


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hello all, it's been a while hasn't it? Well, the game is almost done, Grant is just finishing up on the programming and we are very close to booting Luke off the team because he hasn't been doing anything. ANYWAYS we are maybe a month away from finishing if all goes well. Then it's time to start with our next game! But that is a surprise to you all. Shhhhh.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hey guys,

Last night I was going to post about something because I was so happy, and that all of the pieces were falling together. I now remember what I was going to post. Basically we have android publishing powers, forever. Thanks to Luke for grabbing an android license when they were free. I remembered he said he had this license and asked him if we could possibly transfer it to my computer because I am doing coding and stuff and need to see if I'm maxing resources out or not. So I looked on the Unity site and saw that you can put your license on two computers at a time, I then asked Luke for his code and bingo we have Android publishing powers. I have since published our build and played it on my android and it runs very smooth for how good it looks, if you shoot rockets and they are just lingering there it will make the game lag a lot though so I have to fix that. For the most part though it looked very good for an android game. Now that I think about it, it just looks good for games period. That was what I was so happy about, the fact that this game is amazing and I haven't seen anything like it out there. It really shows the potential this game has and might possibly bring us to the top.

That's enough chatting though I have to work on my buddy drone, it is going pretty good. There are some logic flaws I have to iron out but then I will be able to code it and see this awesome thing work.

Until next time

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hey guys, I thought I would update you on my progress I have made on the programming side of things. First off I have added touch controls to the game, I would give it to you guys but I don't have a license for that. Luke does though so maybe we will bring the final product over to him to build it. Anyway I am getting of topic. The next thing I did was make a weird way of firing which isn't going to stay there for long, basically it shoots where you are touching on the screen. This is completely inconvenient so I am going to take it out and make the touching anywhere lock onto enemy ships for your rockets, this will be a perma-lock type thing that will stay on once you look away. Kind of like tagging people in Splinter cell then taking them all out in a matter of seconds. After this I am going to put in the "Special Weapons" button. This button will  launch various different types of weapons, you mush equip them first in the menus though. For example lets say you push the button and you have an AI gun equipped, the AI gun will appear beside your ship and will shoot your enemies for you :D. This button is basically for our "you know what would be cool" moments, we would simply program the weapon into the game and put it into the list of special weapons. The next thing I programmed was a speed control which kind of floats on the side of the screen and doesn't have an exact track to go on, it's actually kind of cool that it isn't exactly constricted for some reason, not sure exactly why though. I guess I will make a list of things I have to do, this is off the top of my head too so yeah.

1.re-program the rocket lock
2.program the rocket shoot button
3.make rockets know what they are locked to and how many to launch <- that's going to be fun
4.program special weapons button
5.program special weapons <- this is actually going to be fun
6.program pause (pausing everything in general, I think my AI already pauses.)
7.program health
8.program boost
9.fix active camera effects (The camera moves when you go fast, it loses the ship though)
10.program fancy shit

Yeah that is a pretty hefty list there.
 If I do a quick estimate that will take me about... a very long time so I better get started.

Until next time.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hey guys so you must all be like "what does this game look like?". So I took some screenshots so you can see more than that exciting test tube. Sorry there are no enemy ships to be seen but Grant is to busy looking at lolcats more than doing the job he has been assigned. Pics will be back have to re-upload grant had a temper tantrum.

Grant: I worked on the game WAY more than you did before the summer. Also it isn't easy make AI ships obey you. So shut up about me not working. Besides I am working on this other program that may possibly fund the game. Love, Grant

P.S. - I never look at lolcats, I may look at Uberhumor for a few minutes so I can see the pictures but I never Google lolcats.  
Patrick:Oh okay. Grant is our savior HAIL GRANT
Patrick:You know we quarrel here but then I ask myself WHERE THE FUCK IS LUKE! DID HE FUCKING DIE!?

Grant: He's probably looking at lolcats
Patrick:Yeah probably or he is like "YAY! I MAKE NWE NOISZE! :d"

Grant: I just changed his roll in the team to Lead of Lolcats Research. I also added a picture for you ->
Patrick: OH THANKS! :D
You know what? Lets go to Lukes house and steal his games.

Those pictures are back my fellow blogalites they are very pretty.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I love this song. It is the song in the commercial for the new surface tablet by Microsoft, enjoy.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Today I just got the last of the kinks out of the webplayer on our blog. This is actually a huge leap for us because we wanted to do this for a long time but never had the smarts to do it. So a yesterday I built a webplayer and was looking around the html code inside and found where the webplayer gets the data from. I found it and linked it to a file on mediafire. That worked only temporarily until we found out that retarded computers like Luke's couldn't do that. So started looking around at other sites I could store files on, like Google Drive and Box. Then I happened upon Dropbox where the site actually gives you the link on their servers to where the file is stored. I got this link from Dropbox, put it into the html on the current build page and it work for me. I messaged Luke over Steam and it worked for him too :D. Dropbox is also extremely convenient because it will use the same link if a file is uploaded with the same name, that means I have to just put my build into Dropbox and it will update automatically on the blog. Also you will have to download Unity's special player.

Anyway I have to go teach some AI how to fight.

Until next time.

(Build Here)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Hey guys, just wanted to update you on the progress of the collision avoidance system. So basically I programmed this all night and most of this morning and this is what I have to prove for it, the download link will be right here -> Download :D Anyway the collision avoidance works a lot better now because the ships can only get so close to you and they will never run into you, basically they value their life a lot. That being said you will also get a lot of close calls, this is a glitch in the code. That glitch should be fixed soon. Now I have to get back to making this game awesome.

Until next time.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hey guys, wondering where we were? We we at school and doing homework and other random crap, It has been forever since I last posted but I will do so much more frequently. I am now working on the collision avoidance system. It is going pretty good for now. I will update you guys on the progress later :D

until next time.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

No. We aren't dead. We are all living sadly that includes Luke too. But just an update I am working on ship models and hopefully this game will be out in the summer some time!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Like the title suggest I have finally got the AI to work correctly again, tonight I am going to set the groundwork for the collision avoidance system. This should be relativly straight forward, I am just going to use the system for going to another object to make the spaceship change courses. This should simply take a quick edit of the "Look At" function to make it look to where it needs to go.

The truth is I might never get this done tonight due to my severe procrastinsation syndrome.

Until next time

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hello guys, I just wanted to update you guys on what I am doing ant the time being and show you my todo list as of now.

Today and last night I have been trying to work out how to make the AI stop turning to the right. Actually I believe that might not be the problem at all, I believe the problem might be the fact that the spaceship goes up instead of turning to line up the enemy then going up, it just constantly goes up.

I also wanted to share my todo list with you guys.

To Do List:
General Todo:

        Main Menu
Fix Missiles
Fix Collisions
Saving Stats
AI Todo:

Unstick Turning
Collision Avoidance
Weapon Todo:

I don't have much on there as of now, but this should keep me busy for a while.

I have also made a page for Luke's sounds so it he doesn't have to clutter the main page with posts that he made a new sound. All he has to do is edit that page whenever he has a new sound. To check out his sounds there should be a link at the top of the page that says "StelarLuke's Sounds".

Speaking of pages I have also made one for the builds that we make, it is right next to Luke's link to his sounds.

Now I have to go do my chores, no big deal. I was procrastinating anyways.

Until next time

                                          -Grant Oberhauser - Lead of Development

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ok, I am a freaking god. I have found the cause of all of our problems. It was simply a 10 line chunk of code that figured out if the game is in slow motion or not, lets just say it won't be for a while now.

Until next time,
                      -Grant Oberhauser, Very Relieved
Hello again guys, I have an announcement to make. I have to simplify my AI due to physics problems. The reason being is when I have at least one AI spaceship in the level the physics goes very slow and only updates one time a second. I have no idea why this is as of right now. My other option is to move the missiles manually without physics and make physics GTFO. Now that I think about it, that is a totally acceptable approach to the matter. The main reason being the AI planes actually move perfectly, as if the physics totally gives up after you try to even move anything.

That being said, I am still going to simplify my AI code. There are variables all over the place and half of them don't even do anything. I am thinking for the next 2 or 3 weeks I am going to spruce up all of my code. Rewrite everything if need be, come up with new solutions to problems that I might have chickenshitted a few months back. I am going to streamline this whole game then get back to you on that. That also means the build count won't be very accurate for the next week or so either, but when is it ever?

Until next time,

                                                                     Grant Oberhauser - Sprucing it Up a Bit

YAY! I finally did something usefull!!! ...I think. Sorry for taking so DAMN long to do this but I was going to do a spaceship sound with a different sound but when I went to publish it, it didn't want to. So I went to xniinja's audiotool profile and remixed his spaceship sound! SOUNDS PRETTY COOL RIGHT! So enjoy the better version of your spaceship sound. Spaceship 2.0 if you will. BAZINGA!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hello again peoples, today I wanted to share everything I have done since last time I have posted.
*Checks previous post*... * 1 minute later* OK, so I have somewhat solved the calibration issue which wasn't that hard to do in the first place. After I solved that little problem I started changing our testing map around a little bit, now it is an extremely hard obstacle course that I haven't finished on my android. I have finished it on my computer though. The only reason for it was to see if you could make the direction "up" nonexistent. This does basically happen although the player remembers the rotation they spawned in so that would be the rotation they believe is up and down. The way we could fix this is to spawn the player in a bunch of different rotations so they cant make a default up direction for themselves. Another problem we have been having is going through walls, basically what happens is the player would hit an object or a wall and they would go right through it until they his the next wall. The reason this happens is because when the game updates the position it puts the spaceship past the wall so it never even hits it in the first place. I know how I am going to fix this as well. All I am going to do is make a few linecasts that return the distance the spaceship is away from the wall/obstacle and tell the game if the spaceship should crash or not. This might also work for moving objects due to the fact that it will be the very last frame before the spaceship hits the obstacle and there are about 20 of those each second. Another problem we have been having is when the spaceship does crash it just sits there, not a really big problem but I would prefer if the spaceship starting drifting through space like it did in the earlier builds. The main reason I believe this is is because the spaceship is stuck in the wall so it cant move anywhere, if we disable the controls and turn on physics the frame before that just might fix the problem. I have also found out how to use GUI buttons, that means the next build should have speed control and missile shooting capabilities. I am going to go eat breakfast now and do my homework, after that I am going to test physics in Unity. 

Until next time

                                                Grant Oberhauser - Stressed Out of His Mind

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

To start this post off I am just going to say that I have been having zero luck with calibrating the accelerometers. That is actually what I am programming right now after about 4 days of strenuous thinking. Today I came across an idea that I think just might work. Also if you are a developer making a game here is a little tip for you: you can't just "offset" the rotation... it doesn't work like that. I involves clever coding and a whole lot of thinking.

After we get this game out there I might spruce up my some of my code and sell it on the asset store, this code would save you months of programming and let you be able to get your game out there a lot faster. The only reason being we hurdled all of the hurdles for you, all you would have to do is cross the finish line. Wow that was very cheesy, but it had a hint of inspiration in it. Before I say something really stupid I am going to go and listen to some more dubstep :D

Until next time,
                                                            Grant Oberhauser, Lead of Development  

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Today I changed the controls to accelerometer controls. I am not going to include this build because now it is considered a game, mostly because it is great fun. Yea I know, I am sorry, but I need to eat when I am in college and this game is meant to make a profit. That doesn't mean I wont give you guys any builds in the future at all. I will give you guys parts of builds so you can see what has been added (if the build can't be taken apart very easily I will make a video instead). For example if we get a menu going and we want you guys to get a look at it we will build a game that is only a menu system. By the way, the menu system should be pretty fricken cool, it's even going to merge with the intro :D (don't quote me on that one). Now I am feeling like a pile of poop not giving this build to you guys. I will talk it over with Luke and Patrick to see what they think about the whole deal and see if I should give this build out. (I just might do it for a gift, here is a clue: <3)

Until next time
                                                     -Grant Oberhauser, Lead of Development

Edit: Patrick take a look at this, it should be helpful: http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/Manual/Optimizing%20Graphics%20Performance.html

Saturday, February 11, 2012

You can probably tell from the title, and yes we did get android capabilities. These capabilities will be short lived, as we only obtained the trial version of unity pro. Because this is only a trial and will be available to us for 30 days we are not going to change any controls for now, we are only going to get situated with how to program the controls. That being said, I am including a build for two AI jets chasing each other. This requires no input from the user and it also proves stable evidence that this AI system is not a huge task for your android device. Without further a do, the build (here). To install simply move it to your device, on your device look at the files, find where you moved it to, click on it and it should install.

Until next time

                                                           -Grant Oberhauser - Lead of Development

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Hey guys, I got a new laptop. I mean, it feels like I got a new laptop. If you haven't guessed yet, yes I did restore my laptop.

My laptop has had so much speed buried under malware and programs. It feels almost brand new. I have re-installed a lot of stuff, I haven't
re-installed Unity because I am installing paid for stuff first so I don't lose them forever.

I don't really have much to say right now, I will update everyone later.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I have just found out that my recovery media disk is to arrive very soon. It has arrived iDes Plaines, IL as of 8:03 this morning. This is very good news, for it means my disk should be here in about 1 to 3 days. (I live about 3 hours driving distance from this location). It also means I can revive my computer from sure death and make builds faster and more efficient. then, and only then will I come one step closer to a new computer...yes...my precious...my precious. I mean, ahem, then we can get our game out to the public for them to enjoy.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Hey guys, you might have noticed we have a new look on our blog. The moblie template is still the same but we are working on that. I am just trying to stay busy any way possible with a lack of a relativley fast

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ok, just to make it clear. I am not dead. Now that that is out of the way we can focus on business.

The reason I haven't posted for a little while is because my computer would poop all over me if it could. Actually, I am pretty sure it already has. Do not fear though, I will be back making builds as fast as possible. In fact Build.05 is done I just haven't built it yet do to the lack of a computer that crashes about 10 minutes after boot.

I am getting a restoration disk from Toshiba, it is coming my way as we speak. Once I get that done I will put my backed up files onto my laptop and have an extra five years of correct operation of this laptop. I won't even need it for that long because after we get this game out I am buying a new laptop/desktop, duel monitors and a dark room. That should make me look hardcore enough, whats that? Four monitors? OK, done. LOL I sure do hope that happens...

Until next time

                                                                                -Grant Oberhauser, Lead of Peoples

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Due to the addictive quality of Minecraft I haven't done any programming on it this week so far. My mother also took away my laptop so I will not be able to develop until tomorrow which isn't quite a big loss due to the fact that it is 10:00 pm and I want to get some sleep tonight. Another upside to not having my laptop is the fact that I actually got my homework done tonight :D. I think that is all I have for now. If I do program tomorrow I might get AI done unless there is another problem with flying, that would blow.

 Until next time.

 -Grant Oberhauser, CoFounder and Lead in Development

Sunday, January 22, 2012

I have found a solution on how to make up up and down down. Expect that build out a bit sooner :D
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